Healthcare and Hospitals
Patient experience is important to patients, and patient safety to regulators.
Under the eyes of regulators, hard pressed hospitals and healthcare providers have just about the toughest job there is.
The common operational preoccupations we find in the sector are, in no particular order, maintaining compliance, ensuring patient safety, ensuring accurate billing and lowering waiting times.
But as far as CEOs are concerned it’s all too often about reducing waste and saving money.
To balance such competing commercial demands, we believe, is the essence of good process management.
While not exactly a leap of faith, investment in process improvement will deliver the outcomes you seek.
Concentrating on the process rather than the measure can achieve success, both in delivering the service patients demand and in improving your efficiency.
You could start by looking at ways you can cut costs, and if you go into enough detail you’ll probably find that many of them are attributable to poorly operating processes. Or you could shortcut the job by evaluating the processes first and finding out where room for improvement lies.
With care you can have your processes in order to meet regulations and to deliver experiences customers expect, such as patient comfort, flow through the system, even the amount of paper work they are required to complete.
Look for the processes you can redesign, better control or improve, rather than looking for costs you can cut—the savings will come.