The Juran Trilogy Webinar

How can your organization utilise the Juran Trilogy to improve performance?


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Improving Results Via the Juran Trilogy

Is your organization always looking for a new way to improve every few years? Are you tired of new continuous improvement programs? One reason is your organization may not know about the Juran Trilogy. The ever powerful Juran Quality Trilogy was developed by Dr. Joseph M. Juran to enable leaders to visualize how to improve business results in an organized way. The premise was that all organizations function at a level of performance that may not be what the leaders or stakeholders expect. If they continue at their current level they will not be competitive due to the high costs of poor performing goods, services, process, and people.

Dr. Juran named it the ‘quality’ trilogy because it makes clear that business results are largely based on the quality of the products and services an organization provides. The trilogy shows that there are three distinctly different processes to manage for better quality, and hence better performance. These processes are to design for quality, control the designed quality, and continually improve quality.

Join this complimentary webinar presented by Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo to learn the best use of the Trilogy in today’s business. Dr. DeFeo will also present cases from real-life organizations that use and have gained success from using the Trilogy to improve.

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Date Created: January 31, 2018 | Available On Demand


Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo | Chairman and CEO of Juran

"World Leading Expert on Transformational Change and Breakthrough Quality Management"

Learn more about Dr. Joseph a DeFeo.

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