The Juran Model Webinar
How can you utilise the Juran Model to achieve a culture of excellence?
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Building a Culture of Excellence | Part 3: The Juran Model
Dr. Joseph M. Juran began writing about his model in the 1950s and every decade or so would update it in his popular book, The Juran Quality Handbook: The Guide to Performance Excellence.
This text is often regarded as the ultimate compendium of knowledge on the subject of business and quality performance improvement and has continued under the authorship of Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo.
In this webinar, we will review the guiding principles of the Juran Model – or what we call its "hardpoints” – to give you a better understanding of how quality and excellence go hand in hand.
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Date Created: May 29, 2019 | Available On Demand
Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo | Chairman and CEO of Juran
"World Leading Expert on Transformational Change and Breakthrough Quality Management"
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