Using J.U.M.P. to Achieve Results Faster Webinar
Why do quality improvement projects and transformational change take long within companies? & Is there a way that a team can jump faster from a definition of a problem to a solution with little risk of failure of not find the right cause and not creating breakthroughs?
Results too slow? You may need to J.U.M.P.
“Our improvements take too long!” Lean Six Sigma Training takes too long! We do not use all the tools we are taught! This is the mantra of many executives and employees. So why does ‘it’ take so long? There are a variety of reasons most of which we continue to research at Juran. Year after year, the song remains the same. All improvement takes too long!
If the mantra ‘it takes too long’ exists in so many organizations then how is it that so many others make improvements year after year - and fast?
We will review a critical path approach to lean and six sigma DMAIC. A faster, leaner set of sub-steps and tools. This will help your teams move faster, be trained and certified quicker leading to ROI faster than ever.
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Date Created: May 16th, 2018 | Available On Demand
Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo | Chairman and CEO of Juran
"World Leading Expert on Transformational Change and Breakthrough Quality Management"
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