Gap Identification
Juran carries out a number of assessments to identify knowledge and skills gaps that exist within organizations.
By assessing your organization, you will gain a better understanding of what factors are having the biggest impact on productivity, performance and profitability. Following an assessment, we will create a roadmap that outlines how your knowledge and skills gaps can be addressed, with the end result of better products, services and processes.
Here are the five assessments Juran offers:
- Cost of Poor Quality
- Maturity
- Opportunity
- Skills
- Stakeholder
Cost of Poor Quality
Juran defines the Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) as the difference between those costs that would disappear if everything was done perfectly in a process, the first time and every time, versus the actual costs.
Juran has a tested and validated COPQ Assessment and design tools and methods that have been used successfully with hundreds of clients to capture true COPQ (not just the typical “tip of the iceberg” costs).
Our methods results in the quantification of the potential dollars that are lost due to ineffective and inefficient processes in an organization. The most robust form of the COPQ occurs when this quantification of waste and loss is understood across an enterprise entire value chain. This scope includes - from the understanding of your customer needs through the design, development, production, transportation, installation and servicing of those goods or services to meet customer needs.
The Juran COPQ deliverables from this assessment will provide your leaders with an expert led, legitimate and objective financial picture of the estimated costs that could be reduced (as a percent of sales and operating costs) if your organization aims specific resources at them.
Juran is a leader and one of the most respected experts on the subject of COPQ. Using the Juran COPQ Effectiveness and Efficiency Assessment we can provide the following benefits and deliverables:
A guarantee that our method will provide a useful and actionable picture of the total COPQ which can lead to the achievement of significant cost reductions and gains in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by improving the organization performance.
A tested and validated COPQ Assessment Method used for over 37 years in multiple types of industries including goods and service industries.
A set of tools and templates that can be used successfully to quickly capture the COPQ at your organization with little interference to daily operations.
A team which consists of a group of professionals that will fit into the culture of your organization to enable them to gain respect and belief in the results.
Our approach is as follows:
We will accumulate the multiple categories of COPQ from existing financial, operational, quality, and regulatory measures. From this, we will analyze and determine the non-value-added costs that contribute to the COPQ and extract information that will form the basis of accumulating the COPQ.
Typical projects identified and executed provide a 5:20 Return on Investment (ROI).
For more information about the Juran Cost of Poor Quality Assessment, please get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Juran’s Lean Six Sigma Maturity Assessment is specifically structured to be a review of the tasks that must be completed during a robust improvement journey, or roadmap, to assure its long-term success. We have segmented these tasks into five distinct phases:
- Decide
- Prepare
- Launch
- Expand
- Sustain
The key tasks of the Decide, Prepare and Launch phases should be completed in sequence before expanding the program. Although some tasks will overlap, it is important to complete tasks from each phase before moving on to the next phase.
The Maturity Assessment from Juran provides the client an analysis of the cultural attitude towards the Continuous Improvement process, the current process capability, and its maturity level at each of the key tasks. This assessment forms the basis for adjusting the current deployment as necessary to better achieve client strategic and tactical improvement initiatives and meet the key strategies of the business.
Additionally, the Maturity Assessment enables the client to better understand what is working and not working as it relates to Lean Six Sigma (continuous improvement) deployment, customer satisfaction, and processes aimed at generating breakthrough business results and cost reductions.
The topics covered in the Maturity Assessment will include:
- Assessment of the current improvement initiatives to determine if they are achieving their desired ROI and maximizing the probability for success.
- Review of current business capabilities, critical processes, existing initiatives, metrics, and cultural acceptance.
- Infrastructure for improvement as compared to the company stated requirements.
- Goals for the improvement journey and progress against these goals.
- Project selection process and projects chosen for completion (Project Funnel execution).
- Status of project completion (against the company targets and goals).
- Review of successful and unsuccessful projects and reasons for success or lack thereof.
- Executive and Champion support of the improvement journey.
The steps to complete this assessment are:
A pre-assessment conference call will take place prior to the on-site portion of the assessment. Information from this call includes the current “lay of the land” from your leaders; logistical planning; key contacts; interviewees identified for the assessment; any data or documentation that should be sent to the Juran Global Assessors in advance of the Maturity Assessment; and any special cultural issues that must be addressed.
From this information Juran will prepare a plan to complete the “scope” required to provide a thorough assessment.
Confirmation of the client staff that will support the Juran assessment team.
Prepare the assessment team and schedule the maturity assessment.
Conduct the assessment and summarize the findings.
Prepare final reports.
Juran will deliver a final report detailing level of maturity as well as a specific and focused improvement plans that will refocus or maintain the goals and objectives of your improvement journey. This will enable your organization to make changes to the infrastructure, as appropriate, and to move forward in your journey.
For more information about the Juran Maturity Assessment, please get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Juran’s Opportunity Assessment is an intense analysis of an organization’s operations statistics, financial statements, support processes, inventories, customer satisfaction indices, quality data, production reports, supplier information, demand information, and disclosure of capital projects with the intent of identifying and prioritizing clear, concise high value improvement projects.
The Opportunity Assessment takes place in the Decide Phase of an improvement journey (although for mature organizations this assessment can be completed in Launch, Expand, and beyond Phases).
To complete the Opportunity Assessment, the Juran Client Relationship Executive will submit to the Client Representative, typically at least 3 weeks in advance of the Opportunity Assessment, an Opportunity Assessment Needs Checklist. This checklist details the data/information the client should accumulate and be prepared to present to the Juran Assessment team on-site. An partial example of this OA Needs Checklist is:

Juran will schedule meetings in 1-2 hour increments (dependant upon the breadth and depth of the provided information) and review the submitted information with the designated client contact for each of the target areas. Juran will analyse the data and immediately begin to document clear, concise potential improvement projects that can be either Six Sigma DMAIC, Lean, Six Sigma Design, Just Do Its, or basic Root Cause Analysis. These projects will be detailed on the Juran Project Selection Matrix and subsequently ranked by critical criteria (customized for each client), along with Pareto Analysis of the Vital Few high value add projects.
The client will receive a comprehensive and prioritized list of projects that can immediately be staffed to launch the improvement journey. This creates the critically important dynamic project funnel needed to drive long-term improvement.
For more information about the Juran Opportunity Assessment, please get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Skills Detection
Our Skills Detection product can be used to identify gaps in quality skills against industry standards to create your own personalized learning path. It’s the ideal solution for capturing the baseline of skills and capabilities for all of your quality professionals.
We will measure your team against the Juran Body of Knowledge across seven categories:
- Quality Methods
- Critical Thinking
- Teamwork & Coaching
- Process Control
- Problem Solving
- Assessment & Audit
- Statistics & Data Analysis
- Detailed benchmark report to compare your organization to our skills database
- Codify the skills, align them to job roles, and identify the gaps for each individual
- Benchmark against the future quality skills required as technology impacts your operations
- Create a body of knowledge for your organization
- Create a more robust skills assessment to incorporate current and future skills needed
Learning Experience
We will also create an effective customized learning experience that aligns to strategic goals and high return on investment. The deliverables will be as follows:
- Align output of skills detection to job roles to provide career path options to individuals
- Align improvement projects to apply new skills with a measurable outcome
- Select individuals to receive advanced training and certification
- Provideproject coaching support for improvement projects
- Re-assess the individual to determine progress is beginning made
- Update benchmark report to show progress to leadership and expand to other areas.
For more information about Skills Detection, please get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Organizations at times are faced with significant transformations in order to stay ahead of growing competition in the market, satisfy customers with greater sophistication in product features and service, meet higher levels of customer demand for product quality and reliability, and satisfy more demanding regulatory requirements.
Reaching a status of superior quality and sustainable financial results requires significant process and operational transformations. These transformations are not just technical. They will make substantial changes to the organizational culture – the beliefs, values, and habits of the people who lead, manage, and work within the company. The culture for superior quality requires a strong, dedicated leadership team to support the new strategic direction.
The Juran Transformational Change Stakeholder Review provides not only insights into the readiness of each individual in the leadership team for that change, but also recommendations for each individual to gain the most value from the existing strengths and minimize the impact of potential resistance.
The Juran Transformational Change Stakeholder Review is in the format of an executive dialog built around eighteen questions covering a wide range of issues related to the organization and its strategic transformation. The questions are designed to elicit from the interviewees their views along five dimensions that have been shown to be critical for success:
Business: How do they see and understand the business? Is their mental model for understanding the business consistent with the desired transformation?
Values: What do they think is important? Are their values the same as those embodied in the transformation?
Commitment: Do they show both eagerness and practical intent to change both themselves and the organization to achieve the new direction? Will they exert the effort needed?
Collaboration: Do they show a preference to cooperate in a teamwork environment to achieve results? Do they generally avoid assigning blame, avoiding responsibility, and demanding their own way?
Creativity: Do they readily identify or consider unusual “paradigm breaking” approaches? Do they avoid pessimism about the ability of the company to break through barriers?
Against these dimensions, the Juran reviewers look at how strongly and effectively the individuals demonstrate their attitudes on each dimension. Each interviewee is rated according to the following scale:
Leadership: Individuals who will “make it happen.” Not only do they strongly support the strategic journey, but they will also take additional steps to enlist others in the same direction.
Support: Individuals who will help on the journey. They will do what is asked and will apply at least some of the transformation principles on their own initiative.
Neutral: Individuals who will just let it happen. The company cannot count on their active involvement, but they are not likely to set up barriers.
Oppose: Individuals who are against at least some of the key principles. They may not declare these reservations directly, but they think and act in ways that are not consistent with the strategic direction.
Fight: Individuals who are strongly against the strategic direction. Not only are they likely to resist, they may actively try to enlist others in their resistance. They may not state this view directly, but they hold views or favor actions that are so contrary to the proposed transformation that significant conflict is likely.
The individual ratings on each dimension are summarized into an overall rating of orientation with the transformation.
Juran’s rating for each dimension reflects the individual’s responses to specific questions targeted on that dimension, but since the dialog is intended as a probing understanding, additional information from other parts of the interview may also used to clarify specific responses.
The client receives a detailed summary report, along with charts that summarize the overall orientation of each of the individual managers interviewed. Orientation by dimension, scores by dimension for each individual, planning for influence charts by specific individual with narrative for each dimension, and summary recommendations and conclusions are provided to the client.
The client may use this information as a tool to objectively address the readiness of each individual in the leadership team for organizational change; create recommendations for each individual to gain the most value from their existing strengths and minimize the impact of potential resistance; or address constructive organizational change needed for success.
For more information about the Juran Stakeholder Assessment, please get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Juran carries out a number of assessments to identify knowledge and skills gaps that exist within organizations.
- Quality Health Check
- Cost of Quality
- Quality Culture Maturity
- Improvement Opportunities
- Quality Leadership Skills
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Quality 4.0 Readiness
- Quality Systems & ISO 9000
By assessing your organization, you will gain a better understanding of what factors are having the biggest impact on productivity, performance and profitability. Following an assessment, we will create a roadmap that outlines how your knowledge and skills gaps can be addressed, with the end result of better products, services and processes.
Here are five of the assessments Juran offers:
- Cost of Quality
- Maturity
- Opportunity
- Skills
- Stakeholder
Cost of Quality
Juran defines the Cost of Quality (COQ) as the difference between those costs that would disappear if everything was done well, right the first time and every time.
Juran has a tested and validated COQ Assessment and design tools and methods that have been used successfully with hundreds of clients to capture true COPQ (not just the typical “tip of the iceberg” costs).
Our methods results in the quantification of the potential dollars that are lost due to ineffective and inefficient processes in an organization. The most robust form of the COQ occurs when this quantification of waste and loss is understood across an enterprise entire value chain. This scope includes – from the understanding of your customer needs through the design, development, production, transportation, installation and servicing of those goods or services to meet customer needs.
The Juran COQ deliverables from this assessment will provide your leaders with an expert led, legitimate and objective financial picture of the estimated costs that could be reduced (as a percent of sales and operating costs) if your organization aims specific resources at them.
Juran is a leader and one of the most respected experts on the subject of COQ. Using the Juran COQ Effectiveness and Efficiency Assessment we can provide the following benefits and deliverables:
A guarantee that our method will provide a useful and actionable picture of the total COQ which can lead to the achievement of significant cost reductions and gains in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by improving the organization performance.
- A tested and validated COQ Assessment Method used for over 37 years in multiple types of industries including goods and service industries.
- A set of tools and templates that can be used successfully to quickly capture the COQ at your organization with little interference to daily operations.
- A team which consists of a group of professionals that will fit into the culture of your organization to enable them to gain respect and belief in the results.
- Typical projects identified and executed provide a 5:20 Return on Investment (ROI).
For more information about the Juran Cost of Quality Assessment, please get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Culture of Excellence Maturity Assessment
Juran’s Quality Culture Maturity Assessment is specifically structured to be a review of the tasks that must be completed during a robust improvement journey, or roadmap, to assure its long-term success. We have segmented these tasks into five distinct phases: Decide-Prepare-Launch-Expand-Sustain
The Maturity Assessment from Juran provides the client an analysis of the cultural attitude towards the Operational Excellence process, the current process capability, and its maturity level at each of the key tasks. This assessment forms the basis for adjusting the current deployment as necessary to better achieve client strategic and tactical improvement initiatives and meet the key strategies of the business. Additionally, the Maturity Assessment enables the client to better understand what is working and not working as it relates to Lean Six Sigma (continuous improvement) deployment, customer satisfaction, and processes aimed at generating breakthrough business results and cost reductions.
The topics covered in the Maturity Assessment will include:
Juran will deliver a final report detailing level of maturity as well as a specific and focused improvement plans that will refocus or maintain the goals and objectives of your improvement journey. This will enable your organization to make changes to the infrastructure, as appropriate, and to move forward in your journey. For more information about the Juran Maturity Assessment, please get in touch with one of our consultants today
Opportunity Assessment
Juran’s Opportunity Assessment is an intense analysis of an organization’s operations statistics, financial statements, support processes, inventories, customer satisfaction indices, quality data, production reports, supplier information, demand information, and disclosure of capital projects with the intent of identifying and prioritizing clear, concise high value improvement projects.
The Opportunity Assessment takes place in the Decide Phase of an improvement journey (although for mature organizations this assessment can be completed in Launch, Expand, and beyond Phases).
Juran will facilitate meetings and review the submitted information with the designated client contact for each of the target areas. Juran will analyze the data and immediately begin to document clear, concise potential improvement projects that can be either Lean Six Sigma, Lean, Just Do Its, or Root Cause Analysis. These projects will be detailed on the Juran Project Selection Matrix and subsequently ranked by critical criteria (customized for each client), along with Pareto Analysis of the Vital Few high value add projects. The client will receive a comprehensive and prioritized list of projects that can immediately be staffed to launch the improvement journey. This creates the critically important dynamic project funnel needed to drive long-term improvement.
For more information about the Juran Opportunity Assessment, please get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Quality Leadership Skills
Our Quality Leadership Skills is used to identify gaps in quality skills against industry standards to create your own personalized learning path. It’s the ideal solution for capturing the baseline of skills and capabilities for all of your quality professionals. We will measure your team against the Juran Body of Knowledge across seven categories:
- Quality Methods
- Critical Thinking
- Teamwork & Coaching
- Process Control
- Problem Solving
- Assessment & Audit
- Statistics & Data Analysis
Detailed benchmark report to compare your organization to our skills database
Codify the skills, align them to job roles, and identify the gaps for each individual
Benchmark against the future quality skills required as technology impacts your operations
Create a body of knowledge for your organization
Create a more robust skills assessment to incorporate current and future skills needed
For more information about our Quality Leadership Skills Assessment, please get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Transformational Change Stakeholder Review
Organizations at times are faced with significant transformations in order to stay ahead of growing competition in the market, satisfy customers with greater sophistication in product features and service, meet higher levels of customer demand for product quality and reliability, and satisfy more demanding regulatory requirements.
Reaching a status of superior quality and sustainable financial results requires significant process and operational transformations. These transformations are not just technical. They will make substantial changes to the organizational culture – the beliefs, values, and habits of the people who lead, manage, and work within the company. The culture for superior quality requires a strong, dedicated leadership team to support the new strategic direction.
The Juran Transformational Change Stakeholder Review provides not only insights into the readiness of each individual in the leadership team for that change, but also recommendations for each individual to gain the most value from the existing strengths and minimize the impact of potential resistance.
The Juran Transformational Change Stakeholder Review is in the format of an executive dialog built around eighteen questions covering a wide range of issues related to the organization and its strategic transformation. The questions are designed to elicit stakeholder views along different dimensions that have been shown to be critical for success such as:
Business, Values, Commitment, Collaboration, Creativity, Leadership, and Support
The client receives a detailed summary report, along with charts that summarize the overall orientation of each of the individual managers interviewed. Orientation by dimension, scores by dimension for each individual, planning for influence charts by specific individual with narrative for each dimension, and summary recommendations and conclusions are provided to the client.
The client may use this information as a tool to objectively address the readiness of each individual in the leadership team for organizational change; create recommendations for each individual to gain the most value from their existing strengths and minimize the impact of potential resistance; or address constructive organizational change needed for success.