Lackluster financial results from improvement projects? Smaller than expected ROI (return on investment)? Do not be alarmed, there are solutions…
The Five Phases of a Transformation Roadmap and the Roadblocks
Leadership teams, especially new ones, typically have a vision to create change (like a culture change or some other new…
Tired of Running from Competition? Fulfill the Customer Needs
Your company has always been an industry leader. Your customers are loyal, your financials are solid, and your employees are…
Do Healthy Finances Mean a State of Performance Excellence?
Organizations that enjoy healthy finances tend to become complacent. “Life is good” tends to be the mantra. One only needs…
Why Companies With a Quality Culture Don’t Suffer From Eroding Margins
“Too many companies only focus on top-line growth. Savvy business owners know that often the easiest path to grow their…
How Lean Six Sigma Can Combat Staff Turnover
Employee turnover is on the minds of American employers lately. The percentage of employees initiating a separation from an employer,…
How Leaders Play A Role In Quality Culture
Culture change is what is on almost every Leader’s mind when you ask them about what is the most important…
Lean Six Sigma Can Make Millennials Your Greatest Asset
Millennials will soon be the largest living American generation, and their impact on corporate America is already apparent. Older generations…
4 Critical Success Factors For Any Quality Culture
Over the last five years, I have traveled to 30 different countries to assess and observe companies to help them…