Juran Kata: Engage the Workforce
New Training Program Available Now
Juran Kata approach introduces an excellent means of engaging with the workforce. It is a method for incremental improvement that requires minimal resources and specialist intervention. It centers around establishing a clear vision or target for each worker, workgroup, or value stream, along with identifying metrics to gauge progress. Through a structured process involving continuous improvement activities (KATA), teams collaboratively explore, test, and adopt ideas to move closer to the target condition.
The Juran KATA Training includes:
The Juran Kata Training can be completed online or in person. It consists of twelve, 15-25 minute online training modules for most employees and an additional advanced program for Team Leaders and previously trained Lean Six Sigma Belts.
The Juran KATA tools include:
- Introduction to KATA Daily Improvement
- Cause-and-effect diagram & 5 Why
- Check sheet (data collection)
- Control chart (run chart)
- Histogram (frequency distribution)
- Pareto Chart
- Process Analysis
- Scatter Diagram
- Stratification
- Is/Is Not
- Control Plan: Standard Work, Visual Work Instructions
- Mistake proofing (poke yoke)
- Attribute MSA