New Webinar Series from Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo

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Starting this month, our CEO Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo will be presenting a series of seven webinars that explore the Juran approach to building a culture of excellence.

This new series will enable your organization to continue its journey by better understanding how what you are currently doing to improve performance can be linked with other initiatives to create a grand strategy and framework for sustaining results.

Building a Culture of Excellence
Wednesday, April 3 / 2PM EST

As organizations look to the next new way to improve business performance, they often abandon what works in the hope the new way is going to be dramatically better. Unfortunately, in our experience, this just creates workforce “sadness”, as new “initiatives” come and go like waves on the ocean. There is a better way to approach the next new thing.

In the first webinar of the series, Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo will tackle two questions: what is a culture of excellence, and why it is worth pursuing?


Benefits & Results
Wednesday, April 24 / 2PM EST

In this session, we will examine what results an organization can expect (and not expect) by continuing its journey towards excellence. Too often we hear leaders say their change initiatives fell short of expectations. They may have been “duped” into hoping the methods they selected would generate financial benefits, cultural change and employee happiness – only to be left disappointed.

We will explore why this happens and what your organization can expect, presenting real results from real companies – small and large.

The Juran Model
Wednesday, May 29 / 2PM EST

Dr. Joseph M. Juran began writing about his model in the 1950s and every decade or so would update it in his popular book, The Juran Quality Handbook: The Guide to Performance Excellence. This text is often regarded as the ultimate compendium of knowledge on the subject of business and quality performance improvement, and has continued under the authorship of Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo.

In this webinar, we will review the guiding principles of the Juran Model – or what we call its “hardpoints” – giving you a better understanding of how quality and excellence go hand in hand.

The Juran Framework
Wednesday, June 26 / 2PM EST

In this session, we will review a simple framework: our house of quality for excellence and roadmap to launch or modify your journey. We will provide a high-level discussion on its main components: building a strong foundation for long-term improvement and understanding the enablers that are needed to drive towards the results of better customer experience, business results and employee happiness.

The Foundation
Wednesday, July 31 / 2PM EST

This session will see us build our house of excellence just like we build a home. We begin with a strong foundation – a foundation that includes aligning your “initiatives” to the organizational strategy, selecting the right methods and tools with proper governance, and implementing the infrastructure changes necessary to support the “home.”

The Enablers
Wednesday, August 28 / 2PM EST

Building on June’s webinar, we will review the enablers – or key areas of focus – for creating a culture of excellence: designing quality into products and services, process improvement, and quality management systems (control and compliance). These are considered universal principles and defined by Dr. Juran as The Juran Trilogy.

By understanding the three elements of the trilogy, your leaders and employees can better understand how the Lean Six Sigma and Lean tools all fit together. More importantly, we will present how to better use the tools you already have, as well as how and why to engage employees in the pursuit of excellence.

The Roadmap
Wednesday, September 25 / 2PM EST

Once you have a plan to build your house of excellence, you must begin to move forward. The Juran Roadmap is a guide to enable your organization to move through five change management phases: decide, prepare, launch, expand, sustain. By having a guide for your journey, your leaders can create the right expectations and properly position the right improvement methods at the right time.

Each webinar will be streamed live on the date and times specified above and will continue to be available through the Juran website after this date. Make sure to visit our webinars page to register for the live streams, view previous webinars from Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo, and check his upcoming schedule.



For more information and to learn how  Juran can help you leverage it to improve your quality and productivity, please get in touch with the team.


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