Managing Big Data

Dr. Joseph A DeFeoBlog Leave a Comment

There will be many trends this year that shape the way we manage, and specifically the way we manage for quality. One of these important trends is the increased access that businesses have to massive amounts of data, and the importance of big data management.

Big data refers to extremely large data sets of structured and unstructured data, and big data management refers to the organization, administration, and governance of this information. With so much data at our fingertips, it is crucial to ensure that proper procedures are put in place to take advantage of this information and use it to benefit the company, employees, and customers.

A report co-sponsored by SAS revealed some tips for how to successfully pursue big data management.

In order to prepare for the implementation of big data management, many companies are either retraining their existing employees, bringing in consultants, or looking for new hires with the necessary technological and analytical skills to effectively leverage big data. One of the suggestions from the report is to “beef up data management infrastructure and skills as early as possible.” If your company does not begin to embrace big data management as it is on the rise, you will fall behind and may never be able to catch up to competitors.

Using effective big data management can have several benefits, including improved processes, new business insights, and recognition of sales and marketing opportunities. However you can only reap these benefits if you are effectively utilizing big data management strategies and tools. Two possible strategies are to either utilize existing data management platforms, or to implement new software specifically for big data management. A combination of these strategies may also be used. Big data management can also be the responsibility of a number of different work teams, including IT, research groups, or specialized business units.

The first step is to step back and ask yourself whether your company has a strategy in place for how it will manage and leverage big data. Then, it is up to leadership to determine which strategy will be the best to pursue, and the steps that should be taken. Regardless, this will be an important trend for all companies to consider if they wish to stay ahead of the technological curve as we move into 2016.





For more information on managing big data and how Juran can help you leverage it to improve business quality and productivity, please get in touch with the team.


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